Sunday, October 30, 2011

How I Write...

Every time I write I write in the same spot, on the same computer, with the same pair of knit socks. If you know I am writing and you need to find me, I will be sitting in my bed on the third floor of my house looking over a big swamp, half blocked by a tree that envelopes the lower half of my window. I am always under the comforter, but never under the's just too much. Actually, to be honest, I have no idea why I don't go under the sheets, but they just bother me and by the end are usually at the bottom of my bed anyways. I always wear my favorite pair of socks that i'm not really sure can be considered socks. More like knit slippers that go up to my mid-calf. I got them from my Auntie Cindy as a gift a while ago and I remember thinking, wow socks? Cool auntie...but look at it now, they are my favorite pair! Anyways, enough with the socks, I also write on my laptop and only on my laptop. There are actually many reasons for this, mainly because I can't take our desktop computer to my bed, but also because I know my laptop. I know how hard I have to press down to type out a word. I know that when the computer gets so hot that I can feel it on my legs that it's time to give it a rest. And I know the size of the screen and how the words fit to it, I just know my computer and how I want whatever i'm writing to look when I finish.
Unlike most people, I don't exactly need complete silence. I assume this is because I have two brothers and my parents are really loud and obnoxious usually, so I don't really have the option of quiet. BUT when I start my paper or whatever i'm writing, I try to get things as quiet as possible. It's just the beginning that always throws me off. There I need quiet. Oddly, I can never write with music playing. If it's classical with no words and I don't know the song, then I can. But if it's a song that I know, has lyrics, or a melody that is repeating slash I recognize it, then no way jose am I going to be able to concentrate long enough to write even half of a sentence.
So basically I followed every single one of these  to get ready for writing my paper. I started with writing out a rough draft that basically sucked. As I went through my paper writing draft after draft I had different people proof read it and give me corrections. I always have my mom be the first to proof read, then I don't let her see it until the very last proof read. By the end she said it turned into a completely different paper. Success. I love proof reading my papers and thinking about one thing, then reading through the entire paper and changing everything that has to do with that rule. I loved it! Am I a nerd that way? yes. Do I care? nope.

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